Thursday, January 16, 2025
12 PM-1 PM EST



Every library should have a strategic succession plan in place. This ensures continuity should any unforeseen circumstance occur due to planned or unexpected personnel changes (including retirements and resignations). Q&A to follow the presentation. This session is presented by the Florida Library Association Professional Development Committee.

 Learning outcomes:

  1. Define succession planning and its importance in libraries.
  2. Defining the components of a good succession plan.
  3. Aligning succession planning with library strategic objectives.
  4. Succession planning tools

Presenter: Dr. Suzanne Morrison-Williams

Moderator: Matthew David

Presenter bio:

Dr. Suzanne Morrison-Williams has over 20+ years in executive leadership in higher education. She has experience in numerous facets of education from faculty to Dean, Campus Leader, VP of Academics and Vice Provost. Currently, Dr Morrison-Williams serves as the Chief Academic Officer at Library Information and Resources Network (LIRN), a non-profit consortium of over 350+ educational institutions that provides equity and access to online library and information resources.