Diversity Discussions

This book club is open to anyone at no charge! Books are carefully selected to encourage dialogue on topics of diversity and how they may relate to the library workplace. Together, we create a fun and safe environment where we can have conversations on topics like gender identity, race, and immigrant experiences with the help of some really interesting reads.

Here's what's up next:






by Jasmine Walls

The Fast and the Furious meets fantasy in this action-packed historical graphic novel! Join six young women fighting for the right to wield their magic in 1930s Mississippi, where unjust laws decide who can and cannot wield their own magic. Drawn to the thrill of forbidden broom racing, these six are each fighting for the freedom to live as their authentic self in a time and place that would see them silenced. 

FREE and open to all!

October 23, 2024, 3 pm, EDT