Advocacy and Information
2021 Legislative Session Dates
August 1, 2020 Deadline for filing claim bills (Rule 4.81(2))
January 29, 2021 5:00 p.m., deadline for submitting requests for drafts of general bills and joint resolutions, including requests for companion bills
February 26, 2021 5:00 p.m., deadline for approving final drafts of general bills and joint resolutions, including companion bills
March 2, 2021 Regular Session convenes (Article III, section 3(b), State Constitution) 12:00 noon, deadline for filing bills for introduction (Rule 3.7(1))
April 17, 2021 Motion to reconsider made and considered the same day (Rule 6.4.(4)) All bills are immediately certified (Rule 6.8)
April 20, 2021 50th day – last day for regularly scheduled committee meetings (Rule 2.9(2))
April 30, 2021 60th day – last day of Regular Session (Article III, section 3(d), State Constitution)
Florida Legislative Leaders Library Approps Committees 20-21.docx
State Aid to Libraries
FL Department of State Public Library Construction Grants
The Value of Public Libraries
When we fund libraries...

2018 Election Information
Advocating for Florida libraries is a year-round endeavor. Gather important library-related data to share with incumbent or new candidates, including these interesting findings from a recent study by The Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), and the ALA Office for Library Advocacy, in partnership with OCLC:
Florida Library Advocates and Legislators
LSTA Funds Infographic