2025 Conference Breakouts Call for Proposals Now Open through September 7

President's Monthly Message-August 2024

I was listening to a podcast that discussed collective loneliness, which is the longing to be part of a group working toward a common goal. With social media on our phones and loads of streaming entertainment, not to mention the need to stay indoors in this Florida heat, finding connection needs to be intentional. Our association provides community, and we have a wealth of activities that generate connection-building. Read the full August 2024 President's Message here.

FLA 2024 Annual Conference Highlights



2024-2025 President's Message

At the end of our annual conference this year, I had the joy of revealing our incoming annual theme: Overdue for Fun: Celebrating Libraries and Ourselves. I want this year to mark a moment when we focus on celebrating ourselves and our profession; something we often forget to practice.

You might be wondering, “Fun”? How can we find enjoyment during chaos within our profession and beyond? What I expressed in my speech is that one lesson I have learned in recent years is that despite the substantial amount of work ahead, we can also find connection and joy in our collective efforts. We can have fun while doing the good work we are doing. They can co-exist. What keeps me positive is reflecting on the emotions we feel when we get together at our conferences. There, we reconnect, laugh, and unite in our shared passion for our profession. What a wonderful gift it is to extend this all year long. We realize that we have a wonderful association and a powerful history.